Paying it Forward

I saw on the news this morning that a customer in a drive-thru line at a Starbucks in Seattle, paid for the customer behind them. I recently told you of a co-worker who did the same thing at a local McDonald’s. The reason the Seattle story made national news, however, is because everybody kept the giving going. The second car then paid for the third car’s order… and so on and so on and so on. Employees said it lasted most of the day, with hundreds of customers paying for the person behind them.

During the Christmas season, much of the world gives because of what has been given to them. The Starbucks story is just one example. At The Angel Company we often say that "we have been blessed so that we can be a blessing," and we truly believe that. Although this applies to many areas of our life, there is a joy in giving that can not be found in any thing. Today our offices are abuzz with the excitement and anticipation of blessing others. This year, The Angel Company adopted a group home of 13 men who might otherwise not have much of a Christmas.  The last couple weeks have been filled with preparation, brainstorming, shopping and wrapping to make it as much of a blessing as possible for these guys. Quite honestly, it has been so touching to hear the thoughtfulness behind the choices staff has made and to see the joy and excitement that it has brought to them.  Today is the day we get to make the deliveries and we can hardly wait!

Personally speaking, this is the time of year we celebrate the birth of Christ. It is the one little detail that can get lost in the shuffle of all that we do and completely change the focus of what Christmas should be. For me, it is the ultimate "pay it forward." God loved us so much that He gave His son… literally, part of Himself. It is then, my privilege to give. Whether we give of our resources by paying for another’s coffee, providing Christmas to those who may not otherwise have it, or give of ourselves by blessing our loved ones with both our presence and our presents, we give because we have received. We get to give! We have been blessed so that we can be a blessing.  However that happens in your life this Christmas, may you understand how big that blessing is, and pay it forward!

May your family be blessed with a warm and bright celebration, full of every good and perfect gift!

Merry Christmas!


About debbierivers

I love to share what I can whenever I can. My goal is to live simply and love lavishly. I enjoy inspiring others with my writing. I am married to Steve and am the mother to two beautiful daughters, Hannah and Jenna, and grandmother to Kinsley. My desire is to encourage and to bless others through my life and my words.
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